Welcome back

Rainbow outside my window
Welcome back!!  After a hiatus of a full six months, I'm finally getting myself together and hoping to start this blog again.  What happened in these 6 months?  Well, nothing much.  may be that's exactly the reason why I'm away -- I just don't have much happening to myself that I sort of run out of things to say.  But hang on, this is supposed to be a photo blog, so I really don't have to say much, right?  Well, may be I just don't have that many photos to post......
Here's my new take -- I'll continue to post one picture for each post, with something to say about the photo -- that's what I've been doing in the past, and that isn't surprising.  It is very difficult to keep to one picture per post.  I have read a lot of blogs and photo sites and photographers' homepages, and I rarely see anyone posting only one picture per post.  In these days of digital images, it is very very difficult to refrain from posting more than one picture.  
But here's the catch -- I will try to post whenever I feel like it, meaning I would not stick to my previous habit of one post per day.  That means if I have more than one picture to show, I'll show it in multiple post, all at the same time if that's what I want......
Oh, what REALLY happened in these six months while I'm away??  I went on to less trips, got stuck with some more mundane tasks, and this is the good part, I got three spanking new cameras!!  The above was taken by one of them.  it isn't anything special, the above picture could well be taken by any camera, and resizing it for web use takes away all the "difference" this camera could make.  But heck, this is one hell of a camera, and I'm still working on getting to know this camera.   I'll have more to say in future blogs.
I'm also trying to do one other thing -- I'm trying to print every picture I had posted here, or will post here.  I realized that posting pictures within a 1600 pixel square really didn't do justice to a lot of these pictures, and looking at the prints really makes a lot of difference, and printing is the next big challenge I would like to handle. I've started this project, and so far the pictures are making me happy.

Oh, about this picture, well, this is the view out of my window, it was right after a heavy rainstorm, and this rainbow is about the size of half the city!!  Again, nothing special, this is almost one of my "test shots" with this still very new camera.....


  1. Welcome back ! I was somewhere over the rainbow
    when this rainbow appeared in the city.
    Nice to see it through your camera.

    1. Wow, good to know that there are people watching the rainbow at the other end!! Yes, that was very fascinating. I'm sure there must be at least 3 million people being able to see the rainbow, but I wonder just how many would stop in their acts and appreciate the chance to be amazed by nature........


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