The Occupy Wall Street Movement in Hong Kong

Downtown Central Hong Kong
This is as ridiculous as it could get, but also as good as a pride for the citizens here could have.  It is the site of the "Occupy Hong Kong" movement, long standing since the start of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and also still standing long after the other "Occupy XXX" had been cleaned out, removed, annihilated, swiped away.  This is the center of Central -- downtown Hong Kong, at the ground level for the HSBC headquarters, a piece of land estimated to worth US$3 billion.  Look at the mess, and look at the leisurely pace of those "occupiers".  There is no fear in them that they will be evicted tonight, no fear that their belongings will be throw out and the place cordoned off beyond them.  And people are just hustling off minding their own business.  No policeman is here to maintain order, there is organization and etiquette amongst here.  But this is the center of the busiest business area in the world!!  Isn't this ridiculous, that they are still here after almost a year.  And shouldn't the citizens here take pride in the tolerance we have, the respect for law, and the inherent civility of all parties involved.  Isn't this something the other cities should admire? 
Oh, this was taken with the Nex7, again using my favorite feature of the camera -- the auto-panorama.  Honestly, I could have save myself the money and used the Nex5, there's no advantage with this picture with the nex7.


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