Spur-of-the-moment sun-bathing

Stanley Park, Vancouver
You can find these trees near Beach No. 3, they are still there.  This picture was taken in 2006, when the trees were still young -- they didn't grow that much over these years, but they definitely grew a bit.  I find them intriguing, in a way they were planted, away from all the other trees, they were over the seaside by themselves, which kind of stipulated their shape openly.  I had a few pictures of these few trees from different angles, because I deemed them very picturesque.  I know, It's just me, tree-psycho.  And the couple?  It was just a spur of the moment -- they didn't bring anything to lie on, nothing, not even a hat to rest their heads, they just had to rest their heads on their own arms.  The weather was so nice they couldn't resist the temptation of lying down on the lawn, under the warm mid-summer sun, against the breeze from the ocean, amidst the tranquility of this remote area of Stanley Park.  Yes, it was a gorgeous day.


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