Art Photography?

The mud plain at XaPu
I find it intriguing that my impression for a photo changes every time I pull it up on the screen.  It really depends on the purpose of pulling it up and "reading" it.  A photo can be a lot of things -- it can be a storyboard (or part of a story bard), an illustration, an expression, a technical demonstration, or a simply study of "art".  About the last purpose, I'm still trying hard to understand what it means, what it stands for, how to pursue along, and where am I.......
It's a late Sunday evening and I'm really tired and can't really think straight..... may be I need more time to get to this, later....


  1. This picture is familiar to me which looked like the oil paint in my old house hanging in the sitting room. This is a wedding gift from my dear colleagues. Frankly speaking at that moment I loved a more colourful oil paint than the paint with all grey tone. But now, I love this grey more than the colourful one for life really looked like this.


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